Community is at the heart of our church.

The mission of the church is to make obedient disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples.  Life groups are small communities in which people can connect with one another and God, where Jesus changes us to be like him and through which mission is carried out.   You are encouraged to get connected with a Life Group by emailing the contact person listed below for a particular Life Group or just showing up.  Some groups have reached maximum capacity at this time.  Also, during the summer & the month of December, some groups take breaks or meet sporadically.  However, you may always email the leader of any group to double check their time and place of meeting.  Please know that you are welcome in the FCCC community, and we want you connected!In the descriptions below the location identified as “FCCC” is short hand for the church’s building located at 9419 Seatonville Rd. (We recognize that the church is not a building but needed a brief reference for direction since not all our Life Groups meet in the church’s building.) If you have questions about our groups, you may check out the Groups Frequently Asked Questions sheet by clicking here.

If you would like to see all the groups on a PDF you may download, click here.



Stan Raley

FCCC Campus
Room 206  •  10:00 a.m.

This group of diverse ages uses a discussion-based format as we journey book-by-book and chapter-by-chapter through the Bible (Genesis to Revelation). Each week, we ask the fundamental questions of the text we are studying: Who? What? Where? When? and Why?  Please contact Stan at for more information.


Gerry Schuler

FCCC Campus
Room 204   •  10:00 a.m.

This group consists of older married couples, singles and widows and is using the Standard Lesson guide for its study time.  Please contact Gerry at for more information.

Kingdom Seekers

David Kiser & Robbie Altman

FCCC Campus
Room 208  •  10:00 a.m.

Our group provides a place for in-depth Bible study, for sharing life and for serving others. In Kingdom Seekers, we like to ask hard questions – and answer them together.  This group welcomes folks of all ages, but most members in our group are over sixty.  Robbie Altman is currently leading a chapter by chapter discussion of the book of Genesis. Please contact David at for more information.


Larry Wolff, Joe Redmon & Michael Kitts

FCCC Campus  
Room 123  •  10:00 a.m.

The Crusaders is a group made up of senior adults. A Standard Publishing guide based on the New International Version is used to study the books of the Bible. At the beginning of each class, we take a few minutes for fellowship and to address prayer needs of class members.  Please contact Larry  at for more information.

Solid Rock

Donnie Self & Gary Maier

FCCC Campus
Room 202  •  10:00 a.m.

Coming from a variety of life situations, the Solid Rock group is committed to sharing life together. Our focus each week is encouraging each other, as we study Scripture to learn how to live for Christ every day. Our group gathers on Sunday, but stays in touch during the week, praying for and ministering to each other. We are currently studying the book of Romans. Please contact Donnie at or Gary at for more information.

Living Stones

Dennis Hook

FCCC Campus  
Room 005 (Basement) •  10:00 a.m.

This group emphasizes teaching a Biblical worldview that will impact our lives, our families, and society at large.  Our purpose is two-fold: to increase our knowledge of the Bible and to apply its truths to our daily lives, with the goal of becoming confident in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This group includes a diversity of ages, but most are in their 40s and 50s.  Please contact Dennis Hook at for more information.


John Moser

FCCC Campus
Room 123  •  11:15 a.m.

We are Christians with a common desire to learn more about God through study of the Bible. We encourage open discussion in order to broaden and personalize our study together. Our ultimate goal is to straighten and define our walk with Jesus as we live out our gift of salvation. Most who attend are married with children. Please contact Norm at for more information.


Gary Boschain & Josh Crabtree

FCCC Campus
Community Room  •  4:00 p.m.

Rooted is a different type of Life Group.  With a missional/ incarnational approach, we will seek to connect younger-mid adults into deeper relationship with Christ and one another. Young married couples, young singles, college students, and families with young kids are welcome! Because of current COVID-19 safety precautions, we are rotating outdoor locations and times. We would love to have you join us! Please contact Gary Boschain at for more information.

Stout Home

Jeff Stout

4405 Stone Lake Dr. • Louisville  
6:00 p.m.

This is a couples group that shares life together through fellowship, prayer, and study. We encourage open discussion during our time together, and we aren't afraid to tackle the tough subjects that are affecting our communities and our families.  Please contact Jeff at for more information.

Raley Home

Stan Raley

9601 Moorhouse Ct. • Louisville
6:00 p.m.

This group is currently studying the Gospel of John. Please contact Stan at  for more information.


Redmon Home

Joe Redmon

380 Sarah Elizabeth Way • Taylorsville
6:00 p.m.

This group of diverse ages uses a discussion-based format as we journey book-by-book and chapter-by-chapter through the Bible (Genesis to Revelation). Each week, we ask the fundamental questions of the text we are studying: Who? What? Where? When? and Why?  Please contact Stan at for more information.


The Amazing Group

Group Facilitate

FCCC Campus  •  Room 123
6:30 p.m.

This group of ladies meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month.  The group seeks to grow deeper in faith and in connection and accountability with one another.  Please contact Christy Maier at for more information.

Faith Over Fear

Pat Blandford

Pat’s home • Louisville
7:00 p.m.

This group focuses on Scripture study. Please contact Pat at for more information.

Summers' Home

Anthony Summers

10537 Black Iron Rd • Louisville
7:00 p.m.

This group meets weekly to grow in both our upward (with God) and outward (with others) relationships.  We are currently studying the book of Romans.  You are welcome!  Please contact Anthony at anthony.summers31@gmail.comfor more information.


Men's Group

Glenn Sieja, Rob Matthews, & John Moser

FCCC Campus
Room 123  •  6:30 p.m.

This is an informal gathering of guys seeking to deepen their relationship with Christ and talk openly and honestly about the challenges we all face in trying to become more like Christ. We don’t shy away from hard or controversial topics because Christianity is not is complicated and challenging, and we need each other’s perspectives if we are to grow and lift each other up. We use both videos and topical studies to advance our understanding of Scripture. Come with an open mind and a sense of humor as we laugh and enjoy each other’s company while recharging our spiritual batteries for the battles we face outside the church building's walls. We warmly invite you to be a part of our group. Please contact John at for more information.

Women's Group

Connie Teske

FCCC Campus
Room 208  •  6:30 p.m.

We seek to apply God's Word and be accountable to do what we hear from Him.  Come learn together and be encouraged to live in the hope found in Jesus.  Please contact Connie at for more information.

Hispanic Study

Mike Hook

FCCC Campus
Room 005  •  6:30 p.m.

Please contact Mike at for more information.

Los Miércoles a las 6:30 PM en el sótano. Y los viernes a las 7:30 PM en diferentes hogares. Llame o mande un texto a Michael Hook para más detalles. 502.974.5950.


Dana & Larry Buren

FCCC Campus  
Room 206  •   6:30 p.m.

This group is made up of a bunch of misfits (ages vary: 30's-50's; single or attached) with life-size mistakes along the way.  As we learn, serve and support one another our studies vary based on what we choose as a group.  We also offer many service opportunities and social gatherings. It's a great place to connect and experience encouragement for life's struggles.  Contact Larry or Dana for information at or 502.541.1716.


Craig Grammer

FCCC Campus
K-2nd Room • 6:30

Anyone and everyone is invited to join this  "what we believe" class.  Contact Craig at for information. 2022 series will be held as follows --

Series 1: Jan. 13, 20 & 27
Series 2: May 4, 11, 18
Series 3: Sept. 14, 21, 28

Wrapped in Love

Ruth Chowning

FCCC Campus  
2's - 3's Room • 6:30

This group of ladies creates various items to support  ministries of FCCC so they can share God’s love. Please contact Ruth at for more information.


Women's Study II

Carole Stiles

FCCC Campus
Room 123  •  10:00 a.m.

Beginning Jan. 20, 2022, this group will meet weekly and discuss the book of Revelation. Please contact Carole at for more information.

Men's Study II

Joe Redmon & Bill Vetter

FCCC Campus
Room 123  •  7:00 p.m.

This is a group of guys who seek to better understand God's will for each of us. We try to be open and honest with each other about our struggles and our victories. Please contact Joe at for more information.

Teske Home

Rich & Connie Teske

7412 Crabtree Dr. • Louisville
7:00 p.m.

Made up of folks who are new Jesus followers, older Jesus followers and not-yet Jesus followers, we meet each Thursday to explore what the Scriptures say about God and humanity. You are welcome! Please contact Rich at for more information.


Hispanic Group

Mike Hook

Various Locations • 7:30 p.m.

Please contact Mike at  502.974.5950 for more information.

Grupo de Vida de los viernes.
Los viernes nos reunimos a las 7:30 PM en diferentes lugares. Llame o mande un texto a Michael Hook para más detalles. 502.974.5950.

Interested in Leading?

Would you like to lead a group or get some additional training to improve your group leadership skills?  Please contact Rich Teske (, if you are interested.

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